whole beef shank recipe

Beef Shank Recipe

DIY Beauty is here with beef shank recipe today! This recipe is easy to make and damn tasty. You will need to cook the shanks slowly in the savory tomato sauce. Each bite of the beef shank will be juicy and yummy!

beef shank recipe

How To Make Beef Shank Recipe At Home?

Beef shank recipe is surely a crowd-pleaser. Whether it is an event or just a family dinner, you can satisfy the tastebuds of your guests. You know the best part? Making beef shank will consume a bit of time. Moreover, you will only need 10 ingredients to make beef shank at home.


  • ½ Sliced onion
  • 1 tbsp. Olive oil
  • 2 tbsp. Chopped garlic clove
  • Pepper
  • 2 tbsp. Worcestershire Sauce
  • 2 tbsp. Oregano
  • ½ lbs. (250g) Beef Shanks
  • 2 cups crushed tomatoes
  • 1 cup water
  • Salt
  • Parsley


If you will make this beef shank then it will only consume 1-2 hours of your time. However, there is no need to worry about the time as the dish is tasty! Moreover, you can make it in just about 20-30 minutes if you use other cooking technique. Keep in mind that the ingredients will become yummy when cooked properly on slow heat.

Firstly, you have to add olive oil in the oven or pot and let it be on medium-high heat. After that, you have to add the onions and cook them for 4 minutes. When your onions become transparent then you need to add chopped garlic clove and then cook for more 5 minutes.

Furthermore, you have to put this mixture of garlic and onion into the pot and cook until they get a light brown color. Now, you need to add beef shanks in the pot and cook with the onion and garlic. It is the time to add oregano, water, Worcestershire sauce, crushed tomatoes, pepper and salt according to your taste. Now, mix these things well so that the beef grabs the taste of all ingredients.

When the beef becomes tender that the fork can easily pass through it then you have to cover the saucepan. Let the beef to simmer on the low heat for around 1-1.5 hours. However, keep checking your beef shanks as the water should be there and nothing should burn up. If the beef shanks started burning a bit then you need to add additional water. Otherwise, there is no need to add water.

In case you have a slow cooker at home or just a crock pot then you can also make this beef shank recipe in it. However, you just need to move everything to the slow cooker and turn it on for around 6 hours on high heat. If you prefer low heat then let it be for around 10 hours. In the end, when your beef shanks is ready then serve it with your favorite dressing and fresh parsley.

beef shank recipe slow cooker


  • This beef shank will be a good serving for two people.
  • If frozen, you need to let the meat reach room temperature and then start cooking it.
  • Try to get fresh meat. If not available, then go for the frozen one.
  • Always set the temperature to medium heat and then let it for few minutes.


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