DIY Alcohol Gift Basket Ideas

DIY Beauty is here with another amazing gift idea today! Do you know anybody in your family or friends who is fond of alcohol? If your answer is yes, then this post is for you. We are going to provide you with some DIY alcohol gift basket ideas. These ideas are easy-to-follow for all those who are new in the DIY world.

3 DIY Alcohol Gift Basket Ideas

Gift baskets are suitable for wrapping up all kinds of things. Similarly, you can use gift baskets to pack alcohol for your loved ones. Alcohol lasts for a long time so maybe your loved one would keep it for a long time. Therefore, you should pay special attention to the gift basket idea. It is not just the alcohol you need to wrap up in the basket but also other relevant items. These items include glasses, lemon, or any other fruit that people like to mix in the drinks. At the moment, we are here with 3 DIY alcohol gift basket ideas.

DIY Alcohol Gift Basket Ideas

DIY Booze Basket

Check out this amazing booze gift basket! This DIY basket has different alcohol bottles as well as cans. You can easily see that the bottles are a bit decorated. You can wrap up lemons in the basket with the drinks. Furthermore, you can add labels to the bottles and cans to impress your loved one.

Keep in mind that this basket is ready-made, and we bought it at a reasonable price. If it is readily available to you in a store near your home, then grab it up! Otherwise, you can check it out on any online store. However, you have to add artificial grass to make this DIY alcohol gift basket appealing. Not just that, you have to add a label of DRINK ME on the handle of the basket.

Liquor gift baskets

DIY Beer Basket

This one is quite amazing when we talk about DIY alcohol gift basket ideas. You can easily see that we have wrapped up chocolates alongside alcohol bottles. Not only that, but we have also used the same bottles and chocolates for this project. However, you can use the chocolates and drinks of your choice.

Furthermore, you can add beauty to this DIY alcohol gift basket idea by adding a ribbon. Also, you need to wrap up the basket with red paper.

First of all, you have to take a basket and then paste the red paper on it by using glue. After that, you have to tie a knot of the red ribbon in the center. After doing this, you have to add some papers trimmed in long strips. Fill the basket with the papers.

Next, you have to start placing the bottles into this basket. Take some Japanese wooden sticks and punch them up into the chocolates. In this way, these chocolates will stay in their proper position. Moreover, you can add some lollipops or any other items that your loved one likes. In the end, you have to add a HAPPY BIRTHDAY wooden stick to make this basket stand out.

alcohol gift baskets

DIY Liquor Basket

Do you want to give your beloved alcohol? Well, grab this basket right now and start making this DIY alcohol basket project. The gift basket is readily available over the web, but you can also make it at home. However, the price is reasonable so you can easily purchase it.

Furthermore, you have to put some rough bushes in this basket. After that, you have to start adding a variety of liquor into this basket but in the same style as we did. You can also put olive jars with alcohol drinks. You can easily see that we have kept the items in proper packaging so that they appeal to the onlookers.

On the other hand, we have used different kinds of drinks, but you can add the alcohol drinks of the same brand. Do remember that variety grabs the attention instead of similar things. Moreover, you can customize the DIY alcohol gift basket ideas to your heart’s content. There is no need to follow anyone but your heart. So, you can easily place as many items as you want.

Final Words

In conclusion, all of the above DIY alcohol gift basket ideas will be light in your pocket. There is no need to make yourself busy making the baskets. Gift baskets are readily accessible in different stores so you can grab them up instead of making one. Still, there are some people who are fond of making things on their own. If you are an expert DIY person then you should start crafting your very own basket now. Keep in mind that these gifts are perfect to take to someone’s place for a dinner or party. Moreover, you can give any of these gift baskets to your beloved. 

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